I specialize in reviewing Print-On-Demand (POD) published books for my website and Midwest Book Review. Please query for a review by email to hgunther234@hotmail.com.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

WIN/WIN in 7 Steps - MINDFULNESS Magnetizes Success

Author: Dr. Constance d'Angelis
Publisher: Starbright Press, Pagosa Springs, CO
Genre: Self-help Workbook
Rating: Very Good
ISBN: 9781520943060, $4.00, 46 pp

Quoting from the introduction:

"This beginners’ (introductory) interactive workbook is a result of live workshops.

Achieving success in any endeavor or shifting burdensome difficulties is much easier and more effective using MINDFULNESS techniques. This form of MINDFULNESS is presented through The 7 Laws © process.

Two more interactive workbooks are in the works! The WIN/WIN in 7 Steps, MINDFULNESS Magnifies Success series of workbooks build on each other.

In order to reach SOLUTIONS, or to take charge of personal or business activities The 7 Laws © process offers special “focus” mechanisms to enhance identifying obstacles to solution-oriented results; and releasing these impediments to MINDFUL success solutions.

The MINDFULNESS Magnifies Success series includes a MINDFUL JOURNAL and Spark Questions in addition to other cognitive skills and information. I will be posting some of the Spark Questions online to assist you in your focused attention triumph.

Take charge of your life and relationships; business; activities; and ardent, heartfelt endeavors.

Benefits of Beginner Workbook:
* Provide tools for you to achieve success.
* Choose one or more endeavors on which to focus and overcome any and all impediments to your success.
* This basic interactive workbook is designed to assist you in finding solutions that provide beneficial results.
Identify and Overcome Blockers to Success:

* Identify obstacles that keep you from reaching your goals and/or setting your objectives."

One of many self-help books available today, but this one is unique because the author, Dr. Constance d'Angelis, is an extraordinary woman with unique talents. 

WIN/WIN in 7 Steps is well written with lots of space and pages for self-reflection and guidance toward creating the life you want to live. Dr. d'Angelis is a consummate seminar leader and provides personal guidance.

If you're looking to change your life script, you might consider this workbook and its reasonable price. Yes, I can recommend WIN/WIN in 7 Steps.

Reviewed by Kaye Trout - March 31, 2017