Author: Victoria Rose
Publisher: Starbright Press
Genre: Photography Art - Haiku poems
Rating: Very good
ISBN: 9781520516219, $8.00, 50 pp
Patterns in Nature is a small collection of simple, not particularly interesting subjects which have been made interesting and unique with the assistance of digital photography. The subject matter includes cracks in the street, snow on rocks, dirty snow, bare trees, rocks, cattails in a pond. Next to each photo is a haiku poem.
Victoria Rose has taken these less than attractive subjects and with her unique perspective turned them into something beautiful: art worth displaying in your home.
Patterns in Nature is the first in her series on patterns. The book is well designed, has an attractive cover and would be a perfect gift for a friend or relative.
I highly recommend this book for all ages, and for a book of photographic art, the price is reasonable at $8.00.
Reviewed by Kaye Trout - March 27, 2017
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