RECOLLECTIONS - A Personal Journey
Author: Dr. Norman R. French
Publisher: Starbright Press
Pagosa Springs, CO (970) 731-5529
Genre: Memoir
Rating: Average
ISBN: 9781520525853, $12.00, 87 pp.
"Norm French, with a life-long love of animals, had a career as a nature photographer, ornithologist, radiation ecologist, computer modeler and international grassland biologist. This is the story of a sincere animal lover. Along the way, he was privileged to work with other scientists in several U.S. and foreign institutions - a stimulating and joyful journey."
Recollections is a memoir written by an 89-year-old man who lived an extraordinary life. It is written primarily as a record for his family.
Dr. French is an educated man, a retired professor, and his memoir is well written and edited. The cover and interior were designed by Helena's Publishing Services, LLC.
If you enjoy autobiographies and memoirs, I'm certain you will find Recollections an enjoyable read.
Kaye Trout - February 20, 2017
Publisher: Starbright Press
Pagosa Springs, CO (970) 731-5529
Genre: Memoir
Rating: Average
ISBN: 9781520525853, $12.00, 87 pp.
"Norm French, with a life-long love of animals, had a career as a nature photographer, ornithologist, radiation ecologist, computer modeler and international grassland biologist. This is the story of a sincere animal lover. Along the way, he was privileged to work with other scientists in several U.S. and foreign institutions - a stimulating and joyful journey."
Recollections is a memoir written by an 89-year-old man who lived an extraordinary life. It is written primarily as a record for his family.
Dr. French is an educated man, a retired professor, and his memoir is well written and edited. The cover and interior were designed by Helena's Publishing Services, LLC.
If you enjoy autobiographies and memoirs, I'm certain you will find Recollections an enjoyable read.
Kaye Trout - February 20, 2017