I specialize in reviewing Print-On-Demand (POD) published books for my website and Midwest Book Review. Please query for a review by email to hgunther234@hotmail.com.

Friday, October 02, 2009

THE 13TH JUROR - The Official Transcript of the Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Trial by MLK the Truth, LLC

Genre: Non-fiction-Trial Transcript
Rating: Good
ISBN: 9781442112155, $29.95, 766 pp.

Quoting from the back cover:

“For fourteen days in the winter of 1999, just blocks away from the site of Dr. King's assassination, one of the most infamous assassination mysteries was being solved in Memphis, Tennessee, before a circuit court judge and twelve impaneled jurors.

“While the national media turned a blind eye toward this trial, day by day the facts from the actual witnesses came forth to attempt to prove the truth behind what really happened on April 4th, 1968, to Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement.

“This book is the actual trial transcript, from beginning to end with no editing, no deletions, no opinions or commentary. Based upon the testimonies, you can become the 13th juror, and make up your own mind about what happened on that fateful day.”

As you recall, Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. This civil wrongful death trial began on November 15, 1999. The 13th Juror is the actual transcript from this trial in which William Pepper, formerly James Earl Ray’s attorney, represented Coretta Scott King and her children who were asking for monetary damages of $100. One purpose of this trial was to provide an official forum for facts and testimonies regarding Dr. King’s assassination to be recorded for history. There is no author, style of writing or quality of editing to be considered.

If you like non-fiction books about historical events, you might consider The 13th Juror. It is uniquely informative and physically...quite heavy.

Kaye Trout - October 2, 2009